Conceptual Biology

About This Curriculum
Presented in a storytelling manner, Conceptual Biology maps out the overarching and interconnected concepts of the science of life. We begin with an in-depth review of the chemistry needed to understand and appreciate the molecular nature of life. From this foundation, we explore the nature of cells, genetics, and inheritance, which sets the stage for “getting” evolution and the diversity of life. From there the journey continues into human anatomy and physiology culminating in an exploration of populations, communities, and ecosystems of which we humans are an integral part. Throughout, the concepts of biology are connected to a student’s daily life with relevant examples from medicine, nutrition, health, and biotechnology. Our main goal: nurturing a student’s curiosity and respect for the wonders of our living world.

About this Program

Welcome to Conceptual

Peruse the Table of Videos to explore our video library as aligned to the Conceptual Biology textbook.

To the Student: You'll need a Course ID from your instructor to register. After signing in, you'll be brought to your profile page. From there you can view your gradebook and enter your customized course, where our video library, encouragement-based homework system, and much more are collated to the calendar dates of your class schedule. For any questions, please write to

To the Instructor: Thank you for visiting our Instructor Support site:, where you will find many teaching resources. Welcome to the CA community! We look forward to hearing from you and working with you directly.

To Everyone: For a sample selection of our recent video work, thank you for visiting our Conceptual Academy YouTube channel.